
Living the dream

Follow you dreams… start something!! Why is it that we don’t start things…. We make excuses, it’s too hard, takes too long, too technical etc. I often wonder about all the dreams and ideas that people have had… wanting to make stuff that never goes anywhere because they never start. And I  imagine some of

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WordCamp Providence

Matthew (my son) was one of the featured speakers at the Providence WordPress Camp. Matt is the Director and Project Manager at Slocum Design Studio. He interfaces with clients, developers, and designers to ensure the best product possible. Years of experience in the technology field helps bring smart, scalable, and innovative products and services to

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For the birds!

Choosing a Mascot for your company? The Swan is a powerful bird, large in size, graceful in flight and can capable of  paddling at  amazing speeds. I know this since I’ve photographed hundreds of them over the years. Their much more social birds than independent and very territorial, don’t try to corner them. I choose to use

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